On Pursuing Desires

One Insight from Me

I used to desire ‘things’ like a warm and cool-looking jacket, or a nice vacation, but now I notice my desire is not for getting a thing but a deep and strong desire to create.

I realized that a desire can originate from two different sources:

  1. Out of lack: Wanting something because I don’t have it yet. Wishing to obtain what I am lacking.
  2. Out of abundance: Wanting to create something. Wouldn’t it be cool if I could make it happen?

When a desire comes from abundance, you don’t have to force it; you effortlessly do it because it’s an expression of your being.

One Quote from My Book

Love, peace, and good feelings often associated with achieving your desires don’t come from external sources. They originate within you, ever-present, in stark contrast to the clothes you buy that can wear out, the statuses you earn that may prove fleeting, or the possessions others can take away from you. 

— Christine Samuel, The Heart Space – Chapter 8

One Question (or More…) to Ponder

Before pursuing a desire, I invite you to ask these questions: Am I seeking this from a place of scarcity or plenty? Is this driven by fear or love?

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